To improve stability, scalability and response time, our colleagues have been conducting performance tests on a residential self-service platform where people can see their account details and savings. To provide a more seamless customer experience to millions of users, they built an omnichannel application. As Customer Success Manager at UpScale, I am surrounded by talented and knowledgeable engineers at the workplace. Our frontend and backend developers, test engineers and all our colleagues are devoted to building, deploying and testing highly functional systems. Not only quality matters to them but meeting the specific requirements is something that they take pretty seriously. Talking to our testing experts, I have come across interesting stories and projects they contributed to. Here is another example of how they excel at their jobs.
The platform mentioned above needed to be tested both on backend and frontend. The team consisted of 15 people, an agile team that works in 2-week sprints. This was a full stack team, divided by function. In these squads they had different chapters: Android, Java, backend, UI, testing, appropriate to their fields of work. The team developed an application with REST API as programming interface. Our colleague’s experience in REST API is a must-have, as it is a popular interface for numerous reasons. It is platform-independent, thus anyone can utilize it, no matter the programming language or the operating system. Also, it is a more scalable architecture that can be very beneficial and can provide a more seamless customer experience once the platform is live. Because of developing an omnichannel application, the testing of the product happened on three frontend platforms. It was built for iOS, Android and for an internet banking platform as well. For testing, they used modern technologies like Selenium, Appium, REST Assured, running in Jenkins in Java.
Jenkins is a top-notch, open-source automation server for building, deploying and testing servers and with the automation tool, Selenium web applications can be tested. This modern technology supports a wide range of browsers and it can even automate tasks such as functionality testing or performance testing. Appium, which is pretty similar to Selenium, completes this process perfectly, as it is for testing mobile applications, both on iOS and Android. For testing REST services, they also used REST Assured that makes it easier to validate these services in Java, the most popular programming language. However modern these technologies are and they are inevitable to provide the best possible service, our experts can cover all aspects of QA services, such as manual and automated testing and management. As in this project, they also ran both automated and manual tests.
The importance of the performance tests was to evaluate how the system performs under specific workload as it needs to handle user traffic, data volume, etc. without crashing or slowing down. This way, they can detect bottlenecks, improve scalability, stability and response time. Of course, not all users navigate the platform all at once but it needed to be ready to handle if the traffic is high, as in the beginning of the month there might be more transactions, so that user can still have the ideal customer experience. They also inspected version and technology changes, for example changing to the newer version of OpenShift, a container application platform by Red Hat. OpenShift is used with Kubernetes and simplifies the management of containers. The agility of the team makes the team’s productivity easier, if they have a more complex task, they divide that into smaller ones. However, developing a portfolio is already a bit more difficult in itself, so they really needed to get to the problem and create smaller tasks to succeed as a team.
I feel lucky to be surrounded by these devoted engineers and that they actually spend time on letting me know about their work and their processes. With them, a non-IT person as myself can become dedicated to such things as testing. They can help you build a solid bridge to success with the cutting-edge technologies they use.
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(Image by storyset on Freepik)